Common Targets

This is a list of commonly used targets and their device parameters, to see a complete for a complete reference please use the WA list command.


Device Parameters:


type: 'str'

ADB device name

aliases: 'adb_name'


type: 'str'

ADB server to connect to.


type: 'boolean'

File transfers will be polled for activity. Inactive file transfers are cancelled.

default: True


type: 'integer'

How long to wait (s) for a transfer to complete before polling transfer activity. Requires poll_transfers to be set.

default: 30


type: 'integer'

The total time to elapse before a transfer is cancelled, regardless of its activity. Requires poll_transfers to be set.

default: 3600


type: 'integer'

The period at which transfer activity is sampled. Requires poll_transfers to be set. Too small values may cause the destination size to appear the same over one or more sample periods, causing improper transfer cancellation.

default: 30


type: 'boolean'

Specify whether the adb server should be started in root mode.

default: False


type: 'list_of_strs'

List of names of CPU cores in the order that they appear to the kernel. If not specified, it will be inferred from the platform.


type: 'list_of_ints'

Cluster mapping corresponding to the cores in core_names. Cluster indexing starts at 0. If not specified, this will be inferred from core_names – consecutive cores with the same name will be assumed to share a cluster.


type: 'str'

The name of the big cores in a big.LITTLE system. If not specified, this will be inferred, either from the name (if one of the names in core_names matches known big cores), or by assuming that the last cluster is big.


type: 'str'

Hardware model of the platform. If not specified, an attempt will be made to read it from target.


type: 'list'

An additional list of modules to be loaded into the target.


type: 'str'

On-target working directory that will be used by WA. This directory must be writable by the user WA logs in as without the need for privilege elevation.


type: 'str'

On-target directory where WA will install its executable binaries. This location must allow execution. This location does not need to be writable by unprivileged users or rooted devices (WA will install with elevated privileges as necessary).


type: 'list'

A list of additional modules to be installed for the target.

devlib implements functionality for particular subsystems as modules. A number of “default” modules (e.g. for cpufreq subsystem) are loaded automatically, unless explicitly disabled. If additional modules need to be loaded, they may be specified using this parameter.

Please see devlib documentation for information on the available modules.


type: 'boolean'

A number of modules (e.g. for working with the cpufreq subsystem) are loaded by default when a Target is instantiated. Setting this to True would suppress that, ensuring that only the base Target interface is initialized.

You may want to set this to False if there is a problem with one or more default modules on your platform (e.g. your device is unrooted and cpufreq is not accessible to unprivileged users), or if Target initialization is taking too long for your platform.

default: True


type: 'regex'

A regex that matches the shell prompt on the target.

default: r'^.*(shell|root|juno)@?.*:[/~]\S* *[#$] '


type: 'integer'

The maximum number of concurent asynchronous connections to the target maintained at any time.

default: 50


type: 'str'

Directory containing Android data

default: '/data/data'


type: 'boolean'

If True, the default, and the target is rooted, an attempt will be made to disable SELinux by running setenforce 0 on the target at the beginning of the run.

default: True


type: 'integer'

Polling period for logcat in seconds. If not specified, no polling will be used.

Logcat buffer on android is of limited size and it cannot be adjusted at run time. Depending on the amount of logging activity, the buffer may not be enought to capture comlete trace for a workload execution. For those situations, logcat may be polled periodically during the course of the run and stored in a temporary locaiton on the host. Setting the value of the poll period enables this behavior.

constraint: value > 0


type: 'integer'

Specify whether the screen should stay on while the device is charging:

0: never stay on 1: with AC charger 2: with USB charger 4: with wireless charger

Values can be OR-ed together to produce combinations, for instance 7 will cause the screen to stay on when charging under any method.

constraint: 0 <= value <= 7


Device Parameters:


type: 'str'

ADB device name

aliases: 'adb_name'


type: 'str'

ADB server to connect to.


type: 'boolean'

File transfers will be polled for activity. Inactive file transfers are cancelled.

default: True


type: 'integer'

How long to wait (s) for a transfer to complete before polling transfer activity. Requires poll_transfers to be set.

default: 30


type: 'integer'

The total time to elapse before a transfer is cancelled, regardless of its activity. Requires poll_transfers to be set.

default: 3600


type: 'integer'

The period at which transfer activity is sampled. Requires poll_transfers to be set. Too small values may cause the destination size to appear the same over one or more sample periods, causing improper transfer cancellation.

default: 30


type: 'boolean'

Specify whether the adb server should be started in root mode.

default: False

host: (mandatory)

type: 'str'

Host name or IP address of the target.

username: (mandatory)

type: 'str'

User name to connect with


type: 'str'

Password to use. (When connecting to a passwordless machine set to an empty string to prevent attempting ssh key authentication.)


type: 'str'

Key file to use


type: 'integer'

The port SSH server is listening on on the target.

default: 22


type: 'boolean'

Specify whether devices should be connected to if their host key does not match the systems known host keys.

default: False


type: 'str'

Sudo command to use. Must have {} specified somewhere in the string it indicate where the command to be run via sudo is to go.

default: 'sudo -k -p ' ' -S -- sh -c {}'


type: 'boolean'

Allow using SCP as method of file transfer instead of the default SFTP.

default: False


type: 'boolean'

File transfers will be polled for activity. Inactive file transfers are cancelled.

default: True


type: 'integer'

How long to wait (s) for a transfer to complete before polling transfer activity. Requires poll_transfers to be set.

default: 30


type: 'integer'

The total time to elapse before a transfer is cancelled, regardless of its activity. Requires poll_transfers to be set.

default: 3600


type: 'integer'

The period at which transfer activity is sampled. Requires poll_transfers to be set. Too small values may cause the destination size to appear the same over one or more sample periods, causing improper transfer cancellation.

default: 30


type: 'str'

Original shell prompt to expect.


type: 'str'

Password prompt to expect


type: 'str'

Original shell prompt to expect.


type: 'list_of_strs'

List of names of CPU cores in the order that they appear to the kernel. If not specified, it will be inferred from the platform.


type: 'list_of_ints'

Cluster mapping corresponding to the cores in core_names. Cluster indexing starts at 0. If not specified, this will be inferred from core_names – consecutive cores with the same name will be assumed to share a cluster.


type: 'str'

The name of the big cores in a big.LITTLE system. If not specified, this will be inferred, either from the name (if one of the names in core_names matches known big cores), or by assuming that the last cluster is big.


type: 'str'

Hardware model of the platform. If not specified, an attempt will be made to read it from target.


type: 'list'

An additional list of modules to be loaded into the target.


type: 'str'

On-target working directory that will be used by WA. This directory must be writable by the user WA logs in as without the need for privilege elevation.


type: 'str'

On-target directory where WA will install its executable binaries. This location must allow execution. This location does not need to be writable by unprivileged users or rooted devices (WA will install with elevated privileges as necessary).


type: 'list'

A list of additional modules to be installed for the target.

devlib implements functionality for particular subsystems as modules. A number of “default” modules (e.g. for cpufreq subsystem) are loaded automatically, unless explicitly disabled. If additional modules need to be loaded, they may be specified using this parameter.

Please see devlib documentation for information on the available modules.


type: 'boolean'

A number of modules (e.g. for working with the cpufreq subsystem) are loaded by default when a Target is instantiated. Setting this to True would suppress that, ensuring that only the base Target interface is initialized.

You may want to set this to False if there is a problem with one or more default modules on your platform (e.g. your device is unrooted and cpufreq is not accessible to unprivileged users), or if Target initialization is taking too long for your platform.

default: True


type: 'regex'

A regex that matches the shell prompt on the target.

default: r'^.*(shell|root|juno)@?.*:[/~]\S* *[#$] '


type: 'integer'

The maximum number of concurent asynchronous connections to the target maintained at any time.

default: 50


type: 'str'

Directory containing Android data

default: '/data/data'


type: 'str'

On-target working directory that will be used by WA for the android container. This directory must be writable by the user WA logs in as without the need for privilege elevation.


type: 'str'

On-target directory where WA will install its executable binaries for the android container. This location must allow execution. This location does not need to be writable by unprivileged users or rooted devices (WA will install with elevated privileges as necessary). directory must be writable by the user WA logs in as without the need for privilege elevation.


type: 'boolean'

If True, the default, and the target is rooted, an attempt will be made to disable SELinux by running setenforce 0 on the target at the beginning of the run.

default: True


type: 'integer'

Polling period for logcat in seconds. If not specified, no polling will be used.

Logcat buffer on android is of limited size and it cannot be adjusted at run time. Depending on the amount of logging activity, the buffer may not be enought to capture comlete trace for a workload execution. For those situations, logcat may be polled periodically during the course of the run and stored in a temporary locaiton on the host. Setting the value of the poll period enables this behavior.

constraint: value > 0


type: 'integer'

Specify whether the screen should stay on while the device is charging:

0: never stay on 1: with AC charger 2: with USB charger 4: with wireless charger

Values can be OR-ed together to produce combinations, for instance 7 will cause the screen to stay on when charging under any method.

constraint: 0 <= value <= 7


Device Parameters:

host: (mandatory)

type: 'str'

Host name or IP address of the target.

username: (mandatory)

type: 'str'

User name to connect with


type: 'str'

Password to use. (When connecting to a passwordless machine set to an empty string to prevent attempting ssh key authentication.)


type: 'str'

Key file to use


type: 'integer'

The port SSH server is listening on on the target.

default: 22


type: 'boolean'

Specify whether devices should be connected to if their host key does not match the systems known host keys.

default: False


type: 'str'

Sudo command to use. Must have {} specified somewhere in the string it indicate where the command to be run via sudo is to go.

default: 'sudo -k -p ' ' -S -- sh -c {}'


type: 'boolean'

Allow using SCP as method of file transfer instead of the default SFTP.

default: False


type: 'boolean'

File transfers will be polled for activity. Inactive file transfers are cancelled.

default: True


type: 'integer'

How long to wait (s) for a transfer to complete before polling transfer activity. Requires poll_transfers to be set.

default: 30


type: 'integer'

The total time to elapse before a transfer is cancelled, regardless of its activity. Requires poll_transfers to be set.

default: 3600


type: 'integer'

The period at which transfer activity is sampled. Requires poll_transfers to be set. Too small values may cause the destination size to appear the same over one or more sample periods, causing improper transfer cancellation.

default: 30


type: 'str'

Original shell prompt to expect.


type: 'str'

Password prompt to expect


type: 'str'

Original shell prompt to expect.


type: 'list_of_strs'

List of names of CPU cores in the order that they appear to the kernel. If not specified, it will be inferred from the platform.


type: 'list_of_ints'

Cluster mapping corresponding to the cores in core_names. Cluster indexing starts at 0. If not specified, this will be inferred from core_names – consecutive cores with the same name will be assumed to share a cluster.


type: 'str'

The name of the big cores in a big.LITTLE system. If not specified, this will be inferred, either from the name (if one of the names in core_names matches known big cores), or by assuming that the last cluster is big.


type: 'str'

Hardware model of the platform. If not specified, an attempt will be made to read it from target.


type: 'list'

An additional list of modules to be loaded into the target.


type: 'str'

On-target working directory that will be used by WA. This directory must be writable by the user WA logs in as without the need for privilege elevation.


type: 'str'

On-target directory where WA will install its executable binaries. This location must allow execution. This location does not need to be writable by unprivileged users or rooted devices (WA will install with elevated privileges as necessary).


type: 'list'

A list of additional modules to be installed for the target.

devlib implements functionality for particular subsystems as modules. A number of “default” modules (e.g. for cpufreq subsystem) are loaded automatically, unless explicitly disabled. If additional modules need to be loaded, they may be specified using this parameter.

Please see devlib documentation for information on the available modules.


type: 'boolean'

A number of modules (e.g. for working with the cpufreq subsystem) are loaded by default when a Target is instantiated. Setting this to True would suppress that, ensuring that only the base Target interface is initialized.

You may want to set this to False if there is a problem with one or more default modules on your platform (e.g. your device is unrooted and cpufreq is not accessible to unprivileged users), or if Target initialization is taking too long for your platform.

default: True


type: 'regex'

A regex that matches the shell prompt on the target.

default: r'^.*(shell|root|juno)@?.*:[/~]\S* *[#$] '


type: 'integer'

The maximum number of concurent asynchronous connections to the target maintained at any time.

default: 50


Device Parameters:


type: 'str'

Password to use for sudo. if not specified, the user will be prompted during intialization.


type: 'boolean'

If True (the default), the password will be cached in memory after it is first obtained from the user, so that the user would not be prompted for it again.

default: True


type: 'boolean'

Indicate that the target should be considered unrooted; do not attempt sudo or ask the user for their password.

default: False


type: 'list_of_strs'

List of names of CPU cores in the order that they appear to the kernel. If not specified, it will be inferred from the platform.


type: 'list_of_ints'

Cluster mapping corresponding to the cores in core_names. Cluster indexing starts at 0. If not specified, this will be inferred from core_names – consecutive cores with the same name will be assumed to share a cluster.


type: 'str'

The name of the big cores in a big.LITTLE system. If not specified, this will be inferred, either from the name (if one of the names in core_names matches known big cores), or by assuming that the last cluster is big.


type: 'str'

Hardware model of the platform. If not specified, an attempt will be made to read it from target.


type: 'list'

An additional list of modules to be loaded into the target.


type: 'str'

On-target working directory that will be used by WA. This directory must be writable by the user WA logs in as without the need for privilege elevation.


type: 'str'

On-target directory where WA will install its executable binaries. This location must allow execution. This location does not need to be writable by unprivileged users or rooted devices (WA will install with elevated privileges as necessary).


type: 'list'

A list of additional modules to be installed for the target.

devlib implements functionality for particular subsystems as modules. A number of “default” modules (e.g. for cpufreq subsystem) are loaded automatically, unless explicitly disabled. If additional modules need to be loaded, they may be specified using this parameter.

Please see devlib documentation for information on the available modules.


type: 'boolean'

A number of modules (e.g. for working with the cpufreq subsystem) are loaded by default when a Target is instantiated. Setting this to True would suppress that, ensuring that only the base Target interface is initialized.

You may want to set this to False if there is a problem with one or more default modules on your platform (e.g. your device is unrooted and cpufreq is not accessible to unprivileged users), or if Target initialization is taking too long for your platform.

default: True


type: 'regex'

A regex that matches the shell prompt on the target.

default: r'^.*(shell|root|juno)@?.*:[/~]\S* *[#$] '


type: 'integer'

The maximum number of concurent asynchronous connections to the target maintained at any time.

default: 50


Device Parameters:


type: 'str'

ADB device name

aliases: 'adb_name'


type: 'str'

ADB server to connect to.


type: 'boolean'

File transfers will be polled for activity. Inactive file transfers are cancelled.

default: True


type: 'integer'

How long to wait (s) for a transfer to complete before polling transfer activity. Requires poll_transfers to be set.

default: 30


type: 'integer'

The total time to elapse before a transfer is cancelled, regardless of its activity. Requires poll_transfers to be set.

default: 3600


type: 'integer'

The period at which transfer activity is sampled. Requires poll_transfers to be set. Too small values may cause the destination size to appear the same over one or more sample periods, causing improper transfer cancellation.

default: 30


type: 'boolean'

Specify whether the adb server should be started in root mode.

default: False


type: 'list_of_strs'

List of names of CPU cores in the order that they appear to the kernel. If not specified, it will be inferred from the platform.


type: 'list_of_ints'

Cluster mapping corresponding to the cores in core_names. Cluster indexing starts at 0. If not specified, this will be inferred from core_names – consecutive cores with the same name will be assumed to share a cluster.


type: 'str'

The name of the big cores in a big.LITTLE system. If not specified, this will be inferred, either from the name (if one of the names in core_names matches known big cores), or by assuming that the last cluster is big.


type: 'str'

Hardware model of the platform. If not specified, an attempt will be made to read it from target.


type: 'list'

An additional list of modules to be loaded into the target.


type: 'str'

The serial device/port on the host for the initial connection to the target (used for early boot, flashing, etc).


type: 'integer'

Baud rate for the serial connection.

default: 115200


type: 'str'

VExpress MicroSD card mount location. This is a MicroSD card in the VExpress device that is mounted on the host via USB. The card contains configuration files for the platform and firmware and kernel images to be flashed.

default: '/media/JUNO'


type: 'str'

Selects the bootloader mechanism used by the board. Depending on firmware version, a number of possible boot mechanisms may be use.

Please see devlib documentation for descriptions.

allowed values: 'uefi', 'uefi-shell', 'u-boot', 'bootmon'

default: 'u-boot'


type: 'str'

There are a couple of ways to reset VersatileExpress board if the software running on the board becomes unresponsive. Both require configuration to be enabled (please see devlib documentation).

dtr: toggle the DTR line on the serial connection reboottxt: create reboot.txt in the root of the VEMSD mount.

allowed values: 'dtr', 'reboottxt'

default: 'dtr'


type: 'str'

On-target working directory that will be used by WA. This directory must be writable by the user WA logs in as without the need for privilege elevation.


type: 'str'

On-target directory where WA will install its executable binaries. This location must allow execution. This location does not need to be writable by unprivileged users or rooted devices (WA will install with elevated privileges as necessary).


type: 'list'

A list of additional modules to be installed for the target.

devlib implements functionality for particular subsystems as modules. A number of “default” modules (e.g. for cpufreq subsystem) are loaded automatically, unless explicitly disabled. If additional modules need to be loaded, they may be specified using this parameter.

Please see devlib documentation for information on the available modules.


type: 'boolean'

A number of modules (e.g. for working with the cpufreq subsystem) are loaded by default when a Target is instantiated. Setting this to True would suppress that, ensuring that only the base Target interface is initialized.

You may want to set this to False if there is a problem with one or more default modules on your platform (e.g. your device is unrooted and cpufreq is not accessible to unprivileged users), or if Target initialization is taking too long for your platform.

default: True


type: 'regex'

A regex that matches the shell prompt on the target.

default: r'^.*(shell|root|juno)@?.*:[/~]\S* *[#$] '


type: 'integer'

The maximum number of concurent asynchronous connections to the target maintained at any time.

default: 50


type: 'str'

Directory containing Android data

default: '/data/data'


type: 'boolean'

If True, the default, and the target is rooted, an attempt will be made to disable SELinux by running setenforce 0 on the target at the beginning of the run.

default: True


type: 'integer'

Polling period for logcat in seconds. If not specified, no polling will be used.

Logcat buffer on android is of limited size and it cannot be adjusted at run time. Depending on the amount of logging activity, the buffer may not be enought to capture comlete trace for a workload execution. For those situations, logcat may be polled periodically during the course of the run and stored in a temporary locaiton on the host. Setting the value of the poll period enables this behavior.

constraint: value > 0


type: 'integer'

Specify whether the screen should stay on while the device is charging:

0: never stay on 1: with AC charger 2: with USB charger 4: with wireless charger

Values can be OR-ed together to produce combinations, for instance 7 will cause the screen to stay on when charging under any method.

constraint: 0 <= value <= 7


Device Parameters:


type: 'str'

Host name or IP address of the target.

username: (mandatory)

type: 'str'

User name to connect with


type: 'str'

Password to use. (When connecting to a passwordless machine set to an empty string to prevent attempting ssh key authentication.)


type: 'str'

Key file to use


type: 'integer'

The port SSH server is listening on on the target.

default: 22


type: 'boolean'

Specify whether devices should be connected to if their host key does not match the systems known host keys.

default: False


type: 'str'

Sudo command to use. Must have {} specified somewhere in the string it indicate where the command to be run via sudo is to go.

default: 'sudo -k -p ' ' -S -- sh -c {}'


type: 'boolean'

Allow using SCP as method of file transfer instead of the default SFTP.

default: False


type: 'boolean'

File transfers will be polled for activity. Inactive file transfers are cancelled.

default: True


type: 'integer'

How long to wait (s) for a transfer to complete before polling transfer activity. Requires poll_transfers to be set.

default: 30


type: 'integer'

The total time to elapse before a transfer is cancelled, regardless of its activity. Requires poll_transfers to be set.

default: 3600


type: 'integer'

The period at which transfer activity is sampled. Requires poll_transfers to be set. Too small values may cause the destination size to appear the same over one or more sample periods, causing improper transfer cancellation.

default: 30


type: 'str'

Original shell prompt to expect.


type: 'str'

Password prompt to expect


type: 'str'

Original shell prompt to expect.


type: 'list_of_strs'

List of names of CPU cores in the order that they appear to the kernel. If not specified, it will be inferred from the platform.


type: 'list_of_ints'

Cluster mapping corresponding to the cores in core_names. Cluster indexing starts at 0. If not specified, this will be inferred from core_names – consecutive cores with the same name will be assumed to share a cluster.


type: 'str'

The name of the big cores in a big.LITTLE system. If not specified, this will be inferred, either from the name (if one of the names in core_names matches known big cores), or by assuming that the last cluster is big.


type: 'str'

Hardware model of the platform. If not specified, an attempt will be made to read it from target.


type: 'list'

An additional list of modules to be loaded into the target.


type: 'str'

The serial device/port on the host for the initial connection to the target (used for early boot, flashing, etc).


type: 'integer'

Baud rate for the serial connection.

default: 115200


type: 'str'

VExpress MicroSD card mount location. This is a MicroSD card in the VExpress device that is mounted on the host via USB. The card contains configuration files for the platform and firmware and kernel images to be flashed.

default: '/media/JUNO'


type: 'str'

Selects the bootloader mechanism used by the board. Depending on firmware version, a number of possible boot mechanisms may be use.

Please see devlib documentation for descriptions.

allowed values: 'uefi', 'uefi-shell', 'u-boot', 'bootmon'

default: 'u-boot'


type: 'str'

There are a couple of ways to reset VersatileExpress board if the software running on the board becomes unresponsive. Both require configuration to be enabled (please see devlib documentation).

dtr: toggle the DTR line on the serial connection reboottxt: create reboot.txt in the root of the VEMSD mount.

allowed values: 'dtr', 'reboottxt'

default: 'dtr'


type: 'str'

On-target working directory that will be used by WA. This directory must be writable by the user WA logs in as without the need for privilege elevation.


type: 'str'

On-target directory where WA will install its executable binaries. This location must allow execution. This location does not need to be writable by unprivileged users or rooted devices (WA will install with elevated privileges as necessary).


type: 'list'

A list of additional modules to be installed for the target.

devlib implements functionality for particular subsystems as modules. A number of “default” modules (e.g. for cpufreq subsystem) are loaded automatically, unless explicitly disabled. If additional modules need to be loaded, they may be specified using this parameter.

Please see devlib documentation for information on the available modules.


type: 'boolean'

A number of modules (e.g. for working with the cpufreq subsystem) are loaded by default when a Target is instantiated. Setting this to True would suppress that, ensuring that only the base Target interface is initialized.

You may want to set this to False if there is a problem with one or more default modules on your platform (e.g. your device is unrooted and cpufreq is not accessible to unprivileged users), or if Target initialization is taking too long for your platform.

default: True


type: 'regex'

A regex that matches the shell prompt on the target.

default: r'^.*(shell|root|juno)@?.*:[/~]\S* *[#$] '


type: 'integer'

The maximum number of concurent asynchronous connections to the target maintained at any time.

default: 50