Source code for wlauto.core.agenda

#    Copyright 2015 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import os
from copy import copy
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
import yaml

from wlauto.exceptions import ConfigError
from wlauto.utils.misc import load_struct_from_yaml, LoadSyntaxError
from wlauto.utils.types import counter, reset_counter

[docs]def get_aliased_param(d, aliases, default=None, pop=True): alias_map = [i for i, a in enumerate(aliases) if a in d] if len(alias_map) > 1: message = 'Only one of {} may be specified in a single entry' raise ConfigError(message.format(aliases)) elif alias_map: if pop: return d.pop(aliases[alias_map[0]]) else: return d[aliases[alias_map[0]]] else: return default
[docs]class AgendaEntry(object):
[docs] def to_dict(self): return copy(self.__dict__)
[docs]class AgendaWorkloadEntry(AgendaEntry): """ Specifies execution of a workload, including things like the number of iterations, device runtime_parameters configuration, etc. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(AgendaWorkloadEntry, self).__init__() = kwargs.pop('id') self.workload_name = get_aliased_param(kwargs, ['workload_name', 'name']) if not self.workload_name: raise ConfigError('No workload name specified in entry {}'.format( self.label = kwargs.pop('label', self.workload_name) self.number_of_iterations = kwargs.pop('iterations', None) self.boot_parameters = get_aliased_param(kwargs, ['boot_parameters', 'boot_params'], default=OrderedDict()) self.runtime_parameters = get_aliased_param(kwargs, ['runtime_parameters', 'runtime_params'], default=OrderedDict()) self.workload_parameters = get_aliased_param(kwargs, ['workload_parameters', 'workload_params', 'params'], default=OrderedDict()) self.instrumentation = kwargs.pop('instrumentation', []) self.flash = kwargs.pop('flash', OrderedDict()) self.classifiers = kwargs.pop('classifiers', OrderedDict()) if kwargs: raise ConfigError('Invalid entry(ies) in workload {}: {}'.format(, ', '.join(kwargs.keys())))
[docs]class AgendaSectionEntry(AgendaEntry): """ Specifies execution of a workload, including things like the number of iterations, device runtime_parameters configuration, etc. """ def __init__(self, agenda, **kwargs): super(AgendaSectionEntry, self).__init__() = kwargs.pop('id') self.number_of_iterations = kwargs.pop('iterations', None) self.boot_parameters = get_aliased_param(kwargs, ['boot_parameters', 'boot_params'], default=OrderedDict()) self.runtime_parameters = get_aliased_param(kwargs, ['runtime_parameters', 'runtime_params', 'params'], default=OrderedDict()) self.workload_parameters = get_aliased_param(kwargs, ['workload_parameters', 'workload_params'], default=OrderedDict()) self.instrumentation = kwargs.pop('instrumentation', []) self.flash = kwargs.pop('flash', OrderedDict()) self.classifiers = kwargs.pop('classifiers', OrderedDict()) self.workloads = [] for w in kwargs.pop('workloads', []): self.workloads.append(agenda.get_workload_entry(w)) if kwargs: raise ConfigError('Invalid entry(ies) in section {}: {}'.format(, ', '.join(kwargs.keys())))
[docs] def to_dict(self): d = copy(self.__dict__) d['workloads'] = [w.to_dict() for w in self.workloads] return d
[docs]class AgendaGlobalEntry(AgendaEntry): """ Workload configuration global to all workloads. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(AgendaGlobalEntry, self).__init__() self.number_of_iterations = kwargs.pop('iterations', None) self.boot_parameters = get_aliased_param(kwargs, ['boot_parameters', 'boot_params'], default=OrderedDict()) self.runtime_parameters = get_aliased_param(kwargs, ['runtime_parameters', 'runtime_params', 'params'], default=OrderedDict()) self.workload_parameters = get_aliased_param(kwargs, ['workload_parameters', 'workload_params'], default=OrderedDict()) self.instrumentation = kwargs.pop('instrumentation', []) self.flash = kwargs.pop('flash', OrderedDict()) self.classifiers = kwargs.pop('classifiers', OrderedDict()) if kwargs: raise ConfigError('Invalid entries in global section: {}'.format(kwargs))
[docs]class Agenda(object): def __init__(self, source=None): self.filepath = None self.config = {} self.global_ = None self.sections = [] self.workloads = [] self._seen_ids = defaultdict(set) if source: try: reset_counter('section') reset_counter('workload') self._load(source) except (ConfigError, LoadSyntaxError, SyntaxError), e: raise ConfigError(str(e))
[docs] def add_workload_entry(self, w): entry = self.get_workload_entry(w) self.workloads.append(entry)
[docs] def get_workload_entry(self, w): if isinstance(w, basestring): w = {'name': w} if not isinstance(w, dict): raise ConfigError('Invalid workload entry: "{}" in {}'.format(w, self.filepath)) self._assign_id_if_needed(w, 'workload') return AgendaWorkloadEntry(**w)
def _load(self, source): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches try: raw = self._load_raw_from_source(source) except ValueError as e: name = getattr(source, 'name', '') raise ConfigError('Error parsing agenda {}: {}'.format(name, e)) if not isinstance(raw, dict): message = '{} does not contain a valid agenda structure; top level must be a dict.' raise ConfigError(message.format(self.filepath)) for k, v in raw.iteritems(): if v is None: raise ConfigError('Empty "{}" entry in {}'.format(k, self.filepath)) if k == 'config': if not isinstance(v, dict): raise ConfigError('Invalid agenda: "config" entry must be a dict') self.config = v elif k == 'global': self.global_ = AgendaGlobalEntry(**v) elif k == 'sections': self._collect_existing_ids(v, 'section') for s in v: if not isinstance(s, dict): raise ConfigError('Invalid section entry: "{}" in {}'.format(s, self.filepath)) self._collect_existing_ids(s.get('workloads', []), 'workload') for s in v: self._assign_id_if_needed(s, 'section') self.sections.append(AgendaSectionEntry(self, **s)) elif k == 'workloads': self._collect_existing_ids(v, 'workload') for w in v: self.workloads.append(self.get_workload_entry(w)) else: raise ConfigError('Unexpected agenda entry "{}" in {}'.format(k, self.filepath)) def _load_raw_from_source(self, source): if hasattr(source, 'read') and hasattr(source, 'name'): # file-like object self.filepath = raw = load_struct_from_yaml( elif isinstance(source, basestring): if os.path.isfile(source): self.filepath = source raw = load_struct_from_yaml(filepath=self.filepath) else: # assume YAML text raw = load_struct_from_yaml(text=source) else: raise ConfigError('Unknown agenda source: {}'.format(source)) return raw def _collect_existing_ids(self, ds, pool): # Collection needs to take place first so that auto IDs can be # correctly assigned, e.g. if someone explicitly specified an ID # of '1' for one of the workloads. for d in ds: if isinstance(d, dict) and 'id' in d: did = str(d['id']) if did in self._seen_ids[pool]: raise ConfigError('Duplicate {} ID: {}'.format(pool, did)) self._seen_ids[pool].add(did) def _assign_id_if_needed(self, d, pool): # Also enforces string IDs if d.get('id') is None: did = str(counter(pool)) while did in self._seen_ids[pool]: did = str(counter(pool)) d['id'] = did self._seen_ids[pool].add(did) else: d['id'] = str(d['id'])
# Modifying the yaml parser to use an OrderedDict, rather then regular Python # dict for mappings. This preservers the order in which the items are # specified. See # _mapping_tag = yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG
[docs]def dict_representer(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_mapping(_mapping_tag, data.iteritems())
[docs]def dict_constructor(loader, node): pairs = loader.construct_pairs(node) seen_keys = set() for k, _ in pairs: if k in seen_keys: raise ValueError('Duplicate entry: {}'.format(k)) seen_keys.add(k) return OrderedDict(pairs)
yaml.add_representer(OrderedDict, dict_representer) yaml.add_constructor(_mapping_tag, dict_constructor)