Source code for wlauto.result_processors.syeg

#    Copyright 2014-2015 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#pylint: disable=E1101,W0201
import os
import csv
import math
import re

from wlauto import ResultProcessor, Parameter, File
from wlauto.utils.misc import get_meansd

[docs]class SyegResultProcessor(ResultProcessor): name = 'syeg_csv' description = """ Generates a CSV results file in the format expected by SYEG toolchain. Multiple iterations get parsed into columns, adds additional columns for mean and standard deviation, append number of threads to metric names (where applicable) and add some metadata based on external mapping files. """ parameters = [ Parameter('outfile', kind=str, default='syeg_out.csv', description='The name of the output CSV file.'), ] def initialize(self, context): self.levelmap = self._read_map(context, 'final_sub.csv', 'Could not find metrics level mapping.') self.typemap = self._read_map(context, 'types.csv', 'Could not find benchmark suite types mapping.')
[docs] def process_run_result(self, result, context): syeg_results = {} max_iterations = max(ir.iteration for ir in result.iteration_results) for ir in result.iteration_results: for metric in ir.metrics: key = ir.spec.label + if key not in syeg_results: syeg_result = SyegResult(max_iterations) syeg_result.suite = ir.spec.label syeg_result.version = getattr(ir.workload, 'apk_version', None) syeg_result.test = if hasattr(ir.workload, 'number_of_threads'): syeg_result.test += ' NT {} (Iterations/sec)'.format(ir.workload.number_of_threads) syeg_result.final_sub = self.levelmap.get( syeg_result.lower_is_better = metric.lower_is_better syeg_result.device = syeg_result.type = self._get_type(, syeg_results[key] = syeg_result syeg_results[key].runs[ir.iteration - 1] = metric.value columns = ['device', 'suite', 'test', 'version', 'final_sub', 'best', 'average', 'deviation'] columns += ['run{}'.format(i + 1) for i in xrange(max_iterations)] columns += ['type', 'suite_version'] outfile = os.path.join(context.output_directory, self.outfile) with open(outfile, 'wb') as wfh: writer = csv.writer(wfh) writer.writerow(columns) for syeg_result in syeg_results.values(): writer.writerow([getattr(syeg_result, c) for c in columns]) context.add_artifact('syeg_csv', outfile, 'export')
def _get_type(self, workload, metric): metric = metric.lower() type_ = self.typemap.get(workload) if type_ == 'mixed': if 'native' in metric: type_ = 'native' if ('java' in metric) or ('dalvik' in metric): type_ = 'dalvik' return type_ def _read_map(self, context, filename, errormsg): mapfile = context.resolver.get(File(self, filename)) if mapfile: with open(mapfile) as fh: reader = csv.reader(fh) return dict([c.strip() for c in r] for r in reader) else: self.logger.warning(errormsg) return {}
[docs]class SyegResult(object): @property def average(self): if not self._mean: self._mean, self._sd = get_meansd(self.run_values) return self._mean @property def deviation(self): if not self._sd: self._mean, self._sd = get_meansd(self.run_values) return self._sd @property def run_values(self): return [r for r in self.runs if not math.isnan(r)] @property def best(self): if self.lower_is_better: return min(self.run_values) else: return max(self.run_values) @property def suite_version(self): return ' '.join(map(str, [self.suite, self.version])) def __init__(self, max_iter): self.runs = [float('nan') for _ in xrange(max_iter)] self.device = None self.suite = None self.test = None self.version = None self.final_sub = None self.lower_is_better = None self.type = None self._mean = None self._sd = None def __getattr__(self, name): match ='run(\d+)', name) if not match: raise AttributeError(name) return self.runs[int( - 1]