wlauto.commands package


wlauto.commands.create module

wlauto.commands.create.create_workload(name, kind='basic', where='local', check_name=True, **kwargs)[source]

wlauto.commands.get_assets module

class wlauto.commands.get_assets.GetAssetsCommand(subparsers)[source]

Bases: wlauto.core.command.Command

aliases = AC([])
artifacts = AC([])
assets_url = 'https://github.com/ARM-software/workload-automation-assets/raw/master/dependencies'
core_modules = []
description = '\n This command downloads external extension dependencies used by Workload Automation.\n Works by first downloading a directory index of the assets, then iterating through\n it to get assets for the specified extensions.\n '
exit_with_error(message, code=1)[source]
finalize(*args, **kwargs)
initialize(*args, **kwargs)
kind = 'command'
name = 'get-assets'
parameters = AC(["Param({'kind': <type 'list'>, 'mandatory': None, 'name': 'modules', 'constraint': None, 'default': None, 'allowed_values': None, 'global_alias': None, 'override': False})"])
validate(*args, **kwargs)
class wlauto.commands.get_assets.NamedExtension(name, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: wlauto.core.extension.Extension

aliases = AC([])
artifacts = AC([])
core_modules = []
finalize(*args, **kwargs)
initialize(*args, **kwargs)
parameters = AC(["Param({'kind': <type 'list'>, 'mandatory': None, 'name': 'modules', 'constraint': None, 'default': None, 'allowed_values': None, 'global_alias': None, 'override': False})"])
validate(*args, **kwargs)

wlauto.commands.list module

class wlauto.commands.list.ListCommand(subparsers)[source]

Bases: wlauto.core.command.Command

aliases = AC([])
artifacts = AC([])
core_modules = []
description = 'List available WA extensions with a short description of each.'
finalize(*args, **kwargs)
initialize(*args, **kwargs)
kind = 'command'
name = 'list'
parameters = AC(["Param({'kind': <type 'list'>, 'mandatory': None, 'name': 'modules', 'constraint': None, 'default': None, 'allowed_values': None, 'global_alias': None, 'override': False})"])
validate(*args, **kwargs)
wlauto.commands.list.check_platform(extension, platform)[source]

wlauto.commands.record module

class wlauto.commands.record.LightContext(config)[source]

Bases: object

class wlauto.commands.record.RecordCommand(subparsers)[source]

Bases: wlauto.commands.record.ReventCommand

aliases = AC([])
artifacts = AC([])
core_modules = []
description = "Performs a revent recording\n\n This command helps create revent recordings. It will automatically\n deploy revent and even has the option of automatically opening apps.\n\n Revent allows you to record raw inputs such as screen swipes or button presses.\n This can be useful for recording inputs for workloads such as games that don't\n have XML UI layouts that can be used with UIAutomator. As a drawback from this,\n revent recordings are specific to the device type they were recorded on.\n\n WA uses two parts to form the names of revent recordings in the format,\n {device_name}.{suffix}.revent\n\n - device_name can either be specified manually with the ``-d`` argument or\n else the name of the device will be automatically determined. On an Android device it is obtained\n from ``build.prop``, on Linux devices it is obtained from ``/proc/device-tree/model``.\n - suffix is used by WA to determine which part of the app execution the\n recording is for, currently either ``setup``, ``run`` or ``teardown``. This\n should be specified with the ``-s`` argument.\n\n\n **gamepad recording**\n\n revent supports an alternative recording mode, where it will record events\n from a single gamepad device. In this mode, revent will store the\n description of this device as a part of the recording. When replaying such\n a recording, revent will first create a virtual gamepad using the\n description, and will replay the events into it, so a physical controller\n does not need to be connected on replay. Unlike standard revent recordings,\n recordings generated in this mode should be (to an extent) portable across\n different devices.\n\n note:\n\n - The device on which a recording is being made in gamepad mode, must have\n exactly one gamepad connected to it.\n - The device on which a gamepad recording is being replayed must have\n /dev/uinput enabled in the kernel (this interface is necessary to create\n virtual gamepad).\n\n "
finalize(*args, **kwargs)
initialize(*args, **kwargs)
kind = 'command'
name = 'record'
parameters = AC(["Param({'kind': <type 'list'>, 'mandatory': None, 'name': 'modules', 'constraint': None, 'default': None, 'allowed_values': None, 'global_alias': None, 'override': False})"])
validate(*args, **kwargs)
class wlauto.commands.record.ReplayCommand(subparsers)[source]

Bases: wlauto.commands.record.ReventCommand

aliases = AC([])
artifacts = AC([])
core_modules = []
description = 'Replay a revent recording\n\n Revent allows you to record raw inputs such as screen swipes or button presses.\n See ``wa show record`` to see how to make an revent recording.\n '
finalize(*args, **kwargs)
initialize(*args, **kwargs)
kind = 'command'
name = 'replay'
parameters = AC(["Param({'kind': <type 'list'>, 'mandatory': None, 'name': 'modules', 'constraint': None, 'default': None, 'allowed_values': None, 'global_alias': None, 'override': False})"])
validate(*args, **kwargs)
class wlauto.commands.record.ReventCommand(subparsers)[source]

Bases: wlauto.core.command.Command

aliases = AC([])
artifacts = AC([])
core_modules = []
finalize(*args, **kwargs)
initialize(*args, **kwargs)
parameters = AC(["Param({'kind': <type 'list'>, 'mandatory': None, 'name': 'modules', 'constraint': None, 'default': None, 'allowed_values': None, 'global_alias': None, 'override': False})"])
validate(*args, **kwargs)

wlauto.commands.run module

class wlauto.commands.run.RunCommand(subparsers)[source]

Bases: wlauto.core.command.Command

aliases = AC([])
artifacts = AC([])
core_modules = []
description = 'Execute automated workloads on a remote device and process the resulting output.'
finalize(*args, **kwargs)
initialize(*args, **kwargs)
kind = 'command'
name = 'run'
parameters = AC(["Param({'kind': <type 'list'>, 'mandatory': None, 'name': 'modules', 'constraint': None, 'default': None, 'allowed_values': None, 'global_alias': None, 'override': False})"])
validate(*args, **kwargs)

wlauto.commands.show module

class wlauto.commands.show.ShowCommand(subparsers)[source]

Bases: wlauto.core.command.Command

aliases = AC([])
artifacts = AC([])
core_modules = []
description = '\n Display documentation for the specified extension (workload, instrument, etc.).\n '
finalize(*args, **kwargs)
initialize(*args, **kwargs)
kind = 'command'
name = 'show'
parameters = AC(["Param({'kind': <type 'list'>, 'mandatory': None, 'name': 'modules', 'constraint': None, 'default': None, 'allowed_values': None, 'global_alias': None, 'override': False})"])
validate(*args, **kwargs)
wlauto.commands.show.format_extension(extension, out, width)[source]
wlauto.commands.show.format_extension_description(extension, out, width)[source]
wlauto.commands.show.format_extension_name(extension, out)[source]
wlauto.commands.show.format_extension_parameters(extension, out, width, shift=4)[source]
wlauto.commands.show.format_extension_summary(extension, out, width)[source]
wlauto.commands.show.format_supported_platforms(extension, out, width)[source]

Module contents