

Nexus10 is a 10 inch tablet device, which has dual-core A15.

To be able to use Nexus10 in WA, the following must be true:

  • USB Debugging Mode is enabled.
  • Generate USB debugging authorisation for the host machine


modules : list
Lists the modules to be loaded by this extension. A module is a plug-in that further extends functionality of an extension.
core_names : list_of_caseless_strings (mandatory)

This is a list of all cpu cores on the device with each element being the core type, e.g. ['a7', 'a7', 'a15']. The order of the cores must match the order they are listed in '/sys/devices/system/cpu'. So in this case, 'cpu0' must be an A7 core, and 'cpu2' an A15.’

default: ['A15', 'A15']

core_clusters : list_of_ints (mandatory)

This is a list indicating the cluster affinity of the CPU cores, each element correponding to the cluster ID of the core coresponding to its index. E.g. [0, 0, 1] indicates that cpu0 and cpu1 are on cluster 0, while cpu2 is on cluster 1. If this is not specified, this will be inferred from core_names if possible (assuming all cores with the same name are on the same cluster).

default: [0, 0]

scheduler : str

Specifies the type of multi-core scheduling model utilized in the device. The value must be one of the following:


A generic Device interface is used to interact with the underlying device and the underlying scheduling model is unkown.


A standard single-core or Symmetric Multi-Processing system.


ARM Heterogeneous Multi-Processing system.


Linaro In-Kernel Switcher.


ARM Energy-Aware scheduler.


Any other system not covered by the above.


most currently-available systems would fall under smp rather than this value. other is there to future-proof against new schemes not yet covered by WA.

allowed values: 'unknown', 'smp', 'hmp', 'iks', 'ea', 'other'

default: 'unknown'

iks_switch_frequency : integer
This is the switching frequency, in kilohertz, of IKS devices. This parameter MUST NOT be set for non-IKS device (i.e. scheduler != 'iks'). If left unset for IKS devices, it will default to 800000, i.e. 800MHz.
property_files : list_of_strs

A list of paths to files containing static OS properties. These will be pulled into the __meta directory in output for each run in order to provide information about the platfrom. These paths do not have to exist and will be ignored if the path is not present on a particular device.

default: ['/etc/arch-release', '/etc/debian_version', '/etc/lsb-release', '/proc/config.gz', '/proc/cmdline', '/proc/cpuinfo', '/proc/version', '/proc/zconfig', '/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features', '/sys/kernel/hmp']

binaries_directory : str

Location of binaries on the device.

default: '/data/local/tmp/wa-bin'

working_directory : str

Working directory to be used by WA. This must be in a location where the specified user has write permissions. This will default to /home/<username>/wa (or to /root/wa, if username is ‘root’).

default: '/sdcard/wa-working'

adb_name : str
The unique ID of the device as output by “adb devices”.
android_prompt : regex

The format of matching the shell prompt in Android.

default: r'^.*(shell|root)@.*:/\S* [#$] '

package_data_directory : str

Location of of data for an installed package (APK).

default: '/data/data'

external_storage_directory : str

Mount point for external storage.

default: '/sdcard'

connection : str

Specified the nature of adb connection.

allowed values: 'usb', 'ethernet'

default: 'usb'

logcat_poll_period : integer
If specified and is not 0, logcat will be polled every logcat_poll_period seconds, and buffered on the host. This can be used if a lot of output is expected in logcat and the fixed logcat buffer on the device is not big enough. The trade off is that this introduces some minor runtime overhead. Not set by default.
enable_screen_check : boolean
Specified whether the device should make sure that the screen is on during initialization.
swipe_to_unlock : str

If set a swipe of the specified direction will be performed. This should unlock the screen.

allowed values: None, 'horizontal', 'vertical'


Adapter for Nexus 5.

To be able to use Nexus5 in WA, the following must be true:

  • USB Debugging Mode is enabled.
  • Generate USB debugging authorisation for the host machine


modules : list
Lists the modules to be loaded by this extension. A module is a plug-in that further extends functionality of an extension.
core_names : list_of_caseless_strings (mandatory)

This is a list of all cpu cores on the device with each element being the core type, e.g. ['a7', 'a7', 'a15']. The order of the cores must match the order they are listed in '/sys/devices/system/cpu'. So in this case, 'cpu0' must be an A7 core, and 'cpu2' an A15.’

default: ['krait400', 'krait400', 'krait400', 'krait400']

core_clusters : list_of_ints (mandatory)

This is a list indicating the cluster affinity of the CPU cores, each element correponding to the cluster ID of the core coresponding to its index. E.g. [0, 0, 1] indicates that cpu0 and cpu1 are on cluster 0, while cpu2 is on cluster 1. If this is not specified, this will be inferred from core_names if possible (assuming all cores with the same name are on the same cluster).

default: [0, 0, 0, 0]

scheduler : str

Specifies the type of multi-core scheduling model utilized in the device. The value must be one of the following:


A generic Device interface is used to interact with the underlying device and the underlying scheduling model is unkown.


A standard single-core or Symmetric Multi-Processing system.


ARM Heterogeneous Multi-Processing system.


Linaro In-Kernel Switcher.


ARM Energy-Aware scheduler.


Any other system not covered by the above.


most currently-available systems would fall under smp rather than this value. other is there to future-proof against new schemes not yet covered by WA.

allowed values: 'unknown', 'smp', 'hmp', 'iks', 'ea', 'other'

default: 'unknown'

iks_switch_frequency : integer
This is the switching frequency, in kilohertz, of IKS devices. This parameter MUST NOT be set for non-IKS device (i.e. scheduler != 'iks'). If left unset for IKS devices, it will default to 800000, i.e. 800MHz.
property_files : list_of_strs

A list of paths to files containing static OS properties. These will be pulled into the __meta directory in output for each run in order to provide information about the platfrom. These paths do not have to exist and will be ignored if the path is not present on a particular device.

default: ['/etc/arch-release', '/etc/debian_version', '/etc/lsb-release', '/proc/config.gz', '/proc/cmdline', '/proc/cpuinfo', '/proc/version', '/proc/zconfig', '/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features', '/sys/kernel/hmp']

binaries_directory : str

Location of binaries on the device.

default: '/data/local/tmp/wa-bin'

working_directory : str

Working directory to be used by WA. This must be in a location where the specified user has write permissions. This will default to /home/<username>/wa (or to /root/wa, if username is ‘root’).

default: '/sdcard/wa-working'

adb_name : str
The unique ID of the device as output by “adb devices”.
android_prompt : regex

The format of matching the shell prompt in Android.

default: r'^.*(shell|root)@.*:/\S* [#$] '

package_data_directory : str

Location of of data for an installed package (APK).

default: '/data/data'

external_storage_directory : str

Mount point for external storage.

default: '/sdcard'

connection : str

Specified the nature of adb connection.

allowed values: 'usb', 'ethernet'

default: 'usb'

logcat_poll_period : integer
If specified and is not 0, logcat will be polled every logcat_poll_period seconds, and buffered on the host. This can be used if a lot of output is expected in logcat and the fixed logcat buffer on the device is not big enough. The trade off is that this introduces some minor runtime overhead. Not set by default.
enable_screen_check : boolean
Specified whether the device should make sure that the screen is on during initialization.
swipe_to_unlock : str

If set a swipe of the specified direction will be performed. This should unlock the screen.

allowed values: None, 'horizontal', 'vertical'


Adapter for Galaxy Note 3.

To be able to use Note3 in WA, the following must be true:

  • USB Debugging Mode is enabled.
  • Generate USB debugging authorisation for the host machine


modules : list
Lists the modules to be loaded by this extension. A module is a plug-in that further extends functionality of an extension.
core_names : list_of_caseless_strings (mandatory)

This is a list of all cpu cores on the device with each element being the core type, e.g. ['a7', 'a7', 'a15']. The order of the cores must match the order they are listed in '/sys/devices/system/cpu'. So in this case, 'cpu0' must be an A7 core, and 'cpu2' an A15.’

default: ['A15', 'A15', 'A15', 'A15']

core_clusters : list_of_ints (mandatory)

This is a list indicating the cluster affinity of the CPU cores, each element correponding to the cluster ID of the core coresponding to its index. E.g. [0, 0, 1] indicates that cpu0 and cpu1 are on cluster 0, while cpu2 is on cluster 1. If this is not specified, this will be inferred from core_names if possible (assuming all cores with the same name are on the same cluster).

default: [0, 0, 0, 0]

scheduler : str

Specifies the type of multi-core scheduling model utilized in the device. The value must be one of the following:


A generic Device interface is used to interact with the underlying device and the underlying scheduling model is unkown.


A standard single-core or Symmetric Multi-Processing system.


ARM Heterogeneous Multi-Processing system.


Linaro In-Kernel Switcher.


ARM Energy-Aware scheduler.


Any other system not covered by the above.


most currently-available systems would fall under smp rather than this value. other is there to future-proof against new schemes not yet covered by WA.

allowed values: 'unknown', 'smp', 'hmp', 'iks', 'ea', 'other'

default: 'unknown'

iks_switch_frequency : integer
This is the switching frequency, in kilohertz, of IKS devices. This parameter MUST NOT be set for non-IKS device (i.e. scheduler != 'iks'). If left unset for IKS devices, it will default to 800000, i.e. 800MHz.
property_files : list_of_strs

A list of paths to files containing static OS properties. These will be pulled into the __meta directory in output for each run in order to provide information about the platfrom. These paths do not have to exist and will be ignored if the path is not present on a particular device.

default: ['/etc/arch-release', '/etc/debian_version', '/etc/lsb-release', '/proc/config.gz', '/proc/cmdline', '/proc/cpuinfo', '/proc/version', '/proc/zconfig', '/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features', '/sys/kernel/hmp']

binaries_directory : str

Location of binaries on the device.

default: '/data/local/tmp/wa-bin'

working_directory : str

Working directory to be used by WA. This must be in a location where the specified user has write permissions. This will default to /home/<username>/wa (or to /root/wa, if username is ‘root’).

default: '/storage/sdcard0/wa-working'

adb_name : str
The unique ID of the device as output by “adb devices”.
android_prompt : regex

The format of matching the shell prompt in Android.

default: r'^.*(shell|root)@.*:/\S* [#$] '

package_data_directory : str

Location of of data for an installed package (APK).

default: '/data/data'

external_storage_directory : str

Mount point for external storage.

default: '/sdcard'

connection : str

Specified the nature of adb connection.

allowed values: 'usb', 'ethernet'

default: 'usb'

logcat_poll_period : integer
If specified and is not 0, logcat will be polled every logcat_poll_period seconds, and buffered on the host. This can be used if a lot of output is expected in logcat and the fixed logcat buffer on the device is not big enough. The trade off is that this introduces some minor runtime overhead. Not set by default.
enable_screen_check : boolean
Specified whether the device should make sure that the screen is on during initialization.
swipe_to_unlock : str

If set a swipe of the specified direction will be performed. This should unlock the screen.

allowed values: None, 'horizontal', 'vertical'


TC2 is a development board, which has three A7 cores and two A15 cores.

TC2 has a number of boot parameters which are:

root_mount:Defaults to ‘/media/VEMSD’
boot_firmware:It has only two boot firmware options, which are uefi and bootmon. Defaults to ‘uefi’.
fs_medium:Defaults to ‘usb’.
 The direcitory that WA will be using to copy files to. Defaults to ‘data/local/usecase’
serial_device:The serial device which TC2 is connected to. Defaults to ‘/dev/ttyS0’.
serial_baud:Defaults to 38400.
 Serial timeout value in seconds. Defaults to 600.
serial_log:Defaults to standard output.
init_timeout:The timeout in seconds to init the device. Defaults set to 30.
 If true, it will delete the ufi entry. Defaults to True.
psci_enable:Enabling the psci. Defaults to True.
 The host working directory. Defaults to None.
 Disables boot configuration through images.txt and board.txt. When this is True, those two files will not be overwritten in VEMSD. This option may be necessary if the firmware version in the TC2 is not compatible with the templates in WA. Please note that enabling this will prevent you form being able to set boot_firmware and mode parameters. Defaults to False.

TC2 can also have a number of different booting mode, which are:

mp_a7_only:Only the A7 cluster.
 Both A7 and A15 clusters, but it boots on A7 cluster.
mp_a15_only:Only the A15 cluster.
 Both A7 and A15 clusters, but it boots on A15 clusters.
iks_cpu:Only A7 cluster with only 2 cpus.
iks_a15:Only A15 cluster.
iks_a7:Same as iks_cpu
iks_ns_a15:Both A7 and A15 clusters.
iks_ns_a7:Both A7 and A15 clusters.

The difference between mp and iks is the scheduling policy.

TC2 takes the following runtime parameters

a7_cores:Number of active A7 cores.
a15_cores:Number of active A15 cores.
a7_governor:CPUFreq governor for the A7 cluster.
a15_governor:CPUFreq governor for the A15 cluster.
 Minimum CPU frequency for the A7 cluster.
 Minimum CPU frequency for the A15 cluster.
 Maximum CPU frequency for the A7 cluster.
 Maximum CPU frequency for the A7 cluster.
irq_affinity:lambda x: Which cluster will receive IRQs.
cpuidle:Whether idle states should be enabled.
sysfile_values:A dict mapping a complete file path to the value that should be echo’d into it. By default, the file will be subsequently read to verify that the value was written into it with DeviceError raised otherwise. For write-only files, this check can be disabled by appending a ! to the end of the file path.


modules : list
Lists the modules to be loaded by this extension. A module is a plug-in that further extends functionality of an extension.
core_names : list_of_caseless_strings
This parameter will be ignored for TC2
core_clusters : list_of_ints
This parameter will be ignored for TC2
scheduler : str

Specifies the type of multi-core scheduling model utilized in the device. The value must be one of the following:


A generic Device interface is used to interact with the underlying device and the underlying scheduling model is unkown.


A standard single-core or Symmetric Multi-Processing system.


ARM Heterogeneous Multi-Processing system.


Linaro In-Kernel Switcher.


ARM Energy-Aware scheduler.


Any other system not covered by the above.


most currently-available systems would fall under smp rather than this value. other is there to future-proof against new schemes not yet covered by WA.

allowed values: 'unknown', 'smp', 'hmp', 'iks', 'ea', 'other'

default: 'hmp'

iks_switch_frequency : integer
This is the switching frequency, in kilohertz, of IKS devices. This parameter MUST NOT be set for non-IKS device (i.e. scheduler != 'iks'). If left unset for IKS devices, it will default to 800000, i.e. 800MHz.
property_files : list_of_strs

A list of paths to files containing static OS properties. These will be pulled into the __meta directory in output for each run in order to provide information about the platfrom. These paths do not have to exist and will be ignored if the path is not present on a particular device.

default: ['/etc/arch-release', '/etc/debian_version', '/etc/lsb-release', '/proc/config.gz', '/proc/cmdline', '/proc/cpuinfo', '/proc/version', '/proc/zconfig', '/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features', '/sys/kernel/hmp']

binaries_directory : str

Location of binaries on the device.

default: '/data/local/tmp/wa-bin'

working_directory : str

Working directory to be used by WA. This must be in a location where the specified user has write permissions. This will default to /home/<username>/wa (or to /root/wa, if username is ‘root’).

default: '/sdcard/wa-working'

adb_name : str
The unique ID of the device as output by “adb devices”.
android_prompt : regex

The format of matching the shell prompt in Android.

default: r'^.*(shell|root)@.*:/\S* [#$] '

package_data_directory : str

Location of of data for an installed package (APK).

default: '/data/data'

external_storage_directory : str

Mount point for external storage.

default: '/sdcard'

connection : str

Specified the nature of adb connection.

allowed values: 'usb', 'ethernet'

default: 'usb'

logcat_poll_period : integer
If specified and is not 0, logcat will be polled every logcat_poll_period seconds, and buffered on the host. This can be used if a lot of output is expected in logcat and the fixed logcat buffer on the device is not big enough. The trade off is that this introduces some minor runtime overhead. Not set by default.
enable_screen_check : boolean
Specified whether the device should make sure that the screen is on during initialization.
swipe_to_unlock : str

If set a swipe of the specified direction will be performed. This should unlock the screen.

allowed values: None, 'horizontal', 'vertical'


A developer-unlocked Samsung XE503C12 running sshd.


modules : list
Lists the modules to be loaded by this extension. A module is a plug-in that further extends functionality of an extension.
core_names : list_of_caseless_strings (mandatory)

This is a list of all cpu cores on the device with each element being the core type, e.g. ['a7', 'a7', 'a15']. The order of the cores must match the order they are listed in '/sys/devices/system/cpu'. So in this case, 'cpu0' must be an A7 core, and 'cpu2' an A15.’

default: ['a15', 'a15', 'a15', 'a15']

core_clusters : list_of_ints (mandatory)

This is a list indicating the cluster affinity of the CPU cores, each element correponding to the cluster ID of the core coresponding to its index. E.g. [0, 0, 1] indicates that cpu0 and cpu1 are on cluster 0, while cpu2 is on cluster 1. If this is not specified, this will be inferred from core_names if possible (assuming all cores with the same name are on the same cluster).

default: [0, 0, 0, 0]

scheduler : str

Specifies the type of multi-core scheduling model utilized in the device. The value must be one of the following:


A generic Device interface is used to interact with the underlying device and the underlying scheduling model is unkown.


A standard single-core or Symmetric Multi-Processing system.


ARM Heterogeneous Multi-Processing system.


Linaro In-Kernel Switcher.


ARM Energy-Aware scheduler.


Any other system not covered by the above.


most currently-available systems would fall under smp rather than this value. other is there to future-proof against new schemes not yet covered by WA.

allowed values: 'unknown', 'smp', 'hmp', 'iks', 'ea', 'other'

default: 'unknown'

iks_switch_frequency : integer
This is the switching frequency, in kilohertz, of IKS devices. This parameter MUST NOT be set for non-IKS device (i.e. scheduler != 'iks'). If left unset for IKS devices, it will default to 800000, i.e. 800MHz.
property_files : list_of_strs

A list of paths to files containing static OS properties. These will be pulled into the __meta directory in output for each run in order to provide information about the platfrom. These paths do not have to exist and will be ignored if the path is not present on a particular device.

default: ['/etc/arch-release', '/etc/debian_version', '/etc/lsb-release', '/proc/config.gz', '/proc/cmdline', '/proc/cpuinfo', '/proc/version', '/proc/zconfig', '/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features', '/sys/kernel/hmp']

binaries_directory : str

Location of executable binaries on this device (must be in PATH).

default: '/home/chronos/bin'

working_directory : str
Working directory to be used by WA. This must be in a location where the specified user has write permissions. This will default to /home/<username>/wa (or to /root/wa, if username is ‘root’).
host : str (mandatory)
Host name or IP address for the device.
username : str (mandatory)

User name for the account on the device.

default: 'chronos'

password : str
Password for the account on the device (for password-based auth).
keyfile : str
Keyfile to be used for key-based authentication.
port : integer

SSH port number on the device.

default: 22

password_prompt : str

Prompt presented by sudo when requesting the password.

default: 'Password:'

use_telnet : boolean
Optionally, telnet may be used instead of ssh, though this is discouraged.
boot_timeout : integer

How long to try to connect to the device after a reboot.

default: 120


Chrome OS test image device. Use this if you are working on a Chrome OS device with a test image. An off the shelf device will not work with this device interface.

More information on how to build a Chrome OS test image can be found here:


modules : list
Lists the modules to be loaded by this extension. A module is a plug-in that further extends functionality of an extension.
core_names : list_of_caseless_strings (mandatory)
This is a list of all cpu cores on the device with each element being the core type, e.g. ['a7', 'a7', 'a15']. The order of the cores must match the order they are listed in '/sys/devices/system/cpu'. So in this case, 'cpu0' must be an A7 core, and 'cpu2' an A15.’
core_clusters : list_of_ints (mandatory)
This is a list indicating the cluster affinity of the CPU cores, each element correponding to the cluster ID of the core coresponding to its index. E.g. [0, 0, 1] indicates that cpu0 and cpu1 are on cluster 0, while cpu2 is on cluster 1. If this is not specified, this will be inferred from core_names if possible (assuming all cores with the same name are on the same cluster).
scheduler : str

Specifies the type of multi-core scheduling model utilized in the device. The value must be one of the following:


A generic Device interface is used to interact with the underlying device and the underlying scheduling model is unkown.


A standard single-core or Symmetric Multi-Processing system.


ARM Heterogeneous Multi-Processing system.


Linaro In-Kernel Switcher.


ARM Energy-Aware scheduler.


Any other system not covered by the above.


most currently-available systems would fall under smp rather than this value. other is there to future-proof against new schemes not yet covered by WA.

allowed values: 'unknown', 'smp', 'hmp', 'iks', 'ea', 'other'

default: 'unknown'

iks_switch_frequency : integer
This is the switching frequency, in kilohertz, of IKS devices. This parameter MUST NOT be set for non-IKS device (i.e. scheduler != 'iks'). If left unset for IKS devices, it will default to 800000, i.e. 800MHz.
property_files : list_of_strs

A list of paths to files containing static OS properties. These will be pulled into the __meta directory in output for each run in order to provide information about the platfrom. These paths do not have to exist and will be ignored if the path is not present on a particular device.

default: ['/etc/arch-release', '/etc/debian_version', '/etc/lsb-release', '/proc/config.gz', '/proc/cmdline', '/proc/cpuinfo', '/proc/version', '/proc/zconfig', '/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features', '/sys/kernel/hmp']

binaries_directory : str

Location of executable binaries on this device (must be in PATH).

default: '/usr/local/bin'

working_directory : str

Working directory to be used by WA. This must be in a location where the specified user has write permissions. This will default to /home/<username>/wa (or to /root/wa, if username is ‘root’).

default: '/home/root/wa-working'

host : str (mandatory)
Host name or IP address for the device.
username : str (mandatory)

User name for the account on the device.

default: 'root'

password : str
Password for the account on the device (for password-based auth).
keyfile : str
Keyfile to be used for key-based authentication.
port : integer

SSH port number on the device.

default: 22

password_prompt : str

Prompt presented by sudo when requesting the password.

default: 'Password:'

use_telnet : boolean
Optionally, telnet may be used instead of ssh, though this is discouraged.
boot_timeout : integer

How long to try to connect to the device after a reboot.

default: 120


Implements gem5 Android device.

This class allows a user to connect WA to a simulation using gem5. The connection to the device is made using the telnet connection of the simulator, and is used for all commands. The simulator does not have ADB support, and therefore we need to fall back to using standard shell commands.

Files are copied into the simulation using a VirtIO 9P device in gem5. Files are copied out of the simulated environment using the m5 writefile command within the simulated system.

When starting the workload run, the simulator is automatically started by Workload Automation, and a connection to the simulator is established. WA will then wait for Android to boot on the simulated system (which can take hours), prior to executing any other commands on the device. It is also possible to resume from a checkpoint when starting the simulation. To do this, please append the relevant checkpoint commands from the gem5 simulation script to the gem5_discription argument in the agenda.

Host system requirements:
  • VirtIO support. We rely on diod on the host system. This can be installed on ubuntu using the following command:

    sudo apt-get install diod

Guest requirements:
  • VirtIO support. We rely on VirtIO to move files into the simulation. Please make sure that the following are set in the kernel configuration:







  • m5 binary. Please make sure that the m5 binary is on the device and can by found in the path.


gem5_binary : str

Command used to execute gem5. Adjust according to needs.

default: './build/ARM/'

gem5_args : arguments (mandatory)
Command line passed to the gem5 simulation. This command line is used to set up the simulated system, and should be the same as used for a standard gem5 simulation without workload automation. Note that this is simulation script specific and will hence need to be tailored to each particular use case.
gem5_vio_args : arguments (mandatory)

gem5 VirtIO command line used to enable the VirtIO device in the simulated system. At the very least, the root parameter of the VirtIO9PDiod device must be exposed on the command line. Please set this root mount to {}, as it will be replaced with the directory used by Workload Automation at runtime.

constraint: "{}" in str(value)

temp_dir : str

Temporary directory used to pass files into the gem5 simulation. Workload Automation will automatically create a directory in this folder, and will remove it again once the simulation completes.

default: '/tmp'

checkpoint : boolean
This parameter tells Workload Automation to create a checkpoint of the simulated system once the guest system has finished booting. This checkpoint can then be used at a later stage by other WA runs to avoid booting the guest system a second time. Set to True to take a checkpoint of the simulated system post boot.
run_delay : integer

This sets the time that the system should sleep in the simulated system prior to running and workloads or taking checkpoints. This allows the system to quieten down prior to running the workloads. When this is combined with the checkpoint_post_boot option, it allows the checkpoint to be created post-sleep, and therefore the set of workloads resuming from this checkpoint will not be required to sleep.

constraint: value >= 0

modules : list
Lists the modules to be loaded by this extension. A module is a plug-in that further extends functionality of an extension.
core_names : list_of_caseless_strings (mandatory)
This is a list of all cpu cores on the device with each element being the core type, e.g. ['a7', 'a7', 'a15']. The order of the cores must match the order they are listed in '/sys/devices/system/cpu'. So in this case, 'cpu0' must be an A7 core, and 'cpu2' an A15.’
core_clusters : list_of_ints (mandatory)
This is a list indicating the cluster affinity of the CPU cores, each element correponding to the cluster ID of the core coresponding to its index. E.g. [0, 0, 1] indicates that cpu0 and cpu1 are on cluster 0, while cpu2 is on cluster 1. If this is not specified, this will be inferred from core_names if possible (assuming all cores with the same name are on the same cluster).
scheduler : str

Specifies the type of multi-core scheduling model utilized in the device. The value must be one of the following:


A generic Device interface is used to interact with the underlying device and the underlying scheduling model is unkown.


A standard single-core or Symmetric Multi-Processing system.


ARM Heterogeneous Multi-Processing system.


Linaro In-Kernel Switcher.


ARM Energy-Aware scheduler.


Any other system not covered by the above.


most currently-available systems would fall under smp rather than this value. other is there to future-proof against new schemes not yet covered by WA.

allowed values: 'unknown', 'smp', 'hmp', 'iks', 'ea', 'other'

default: 'unknown'

iks_switch_frequency : integer
This is the switching frequency, in kilohertz, of IKS devices. This parameter MUST NOT be set for non-IKS device (i.e. scheduler != 'iks'). If left unset for IKS devices, it will default to 800000, i.e. 800MHz.
property_files : list_of_strs

A list of paths to files containing static OS properties. These will be pulled into the __meta directory in output for each run in order to provide information about the platfrom. These paths do not have to exist and will be ignored if the path is not present on a particular device.

default: ['/etc/arch-release', '/etc/debian_version', '/etc/lsb-release', '/proc/config.gz', '/proc/cmdline', '/proc/cpuinfo', '/proc/version', '/proc/zconfig', '/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features', '/sys/kernel/hmp']

binaries_directory : str

Location of binaries on the device.

default: '/data/local/tmp/wa-bin'

working_directory : str

Working directory to be used by WA. This must be in a location where the specified user has write permissions. This will default to /home/<username>/wa (or to /root/wa, if username is ‘root’).

default: '/sdcard/wa-working'

adb_name : str
The unique ID of the device as output by “adb devices”.
android_prompt : regex

The format of matching the shell prompt in Android.

default: r'^.*(shell|root)@.*:/\S* [#$] '

package_data_directory : str

Location of of data for an installed package (APK).

default: '/data/data'

external_storage_directory : str

Mount point for external storage.

default: '/sdcard'

connection : str

Specified the nature of adb connection.

allowed values: 'usb', 'ethernet'

default: 'usb'

logcat_poll_period : integer
If specified and is not 0, logcat will be polled every logcat_poll_period seconds, and buffered on the host. This can be used if a lot of output is expected in logcat and the fixed logcat buffer on the device is not big enough. The trade off is that this introduces some minor runtime overhead. Not set by default.
enable_screen_check : boolean
Specified whether the device should make sure that the screen is on during initialization.
swipe_to_unlock : str

If set a swipe of the specified direction will be performed. This should unlock the screen.

allowed values: None, 'horizontal', 'vertical'


Implements gem5 Linux device.

This class allows a user to connect WA to a simulation using gem5. The connection to the device is made using the telnet connection of the simulator, and is used for all commands. The simulator does not have ADB support, and therefore we need to fall back to using standard shell commands.

Files are copied into the simulation using a VirtIO 9P device in gem5. Files are copied out of the simulated environment using the m5 writefile command within the simulated system.

When starting the workload run, the simulator is automatically started by Workload Automation, and a connection to the simulator is established. WA will then wait for Android to boot on the simulated system (which can take hours), prior to executing any other commands on the device. It is also possible to resume from a checkpoint when starting the simulation. To do this, please append the relevant checkpoint commands from the gem5 simulation script to the gem5_discription argument in the agenda.

Host system requirements:
  • VirtIO support. We rely on diod on the host system. This can be installed on ubuntu using the following command:

    sudo apt-get install diod

Guest requirements:
  • VirtIO support. We rely on VirtIO to move files into the simulation. Please make sure that the following are set in the kernel configuration:







  • m5 binary. Please make sure that the m5 binary is on the device and can by found in the path.


gem5_binary : str

Command used to execute gem5. Adjust according to needs.

default: './build/ARM/'

gem5_args : arguments (mandatory)
Command line passed to the gem5 simulation. This command line is used to set up the simulated system, and should be the same as used for a standard gem5 simulation without workload automation. Note that this is simulation script specific and will hence need to be tailored to each particular use case.
gem5_vio_args : arguments (mandatory)

gem5 VirtIO command line used to enable the VirtIO device in the simulated system. At the very least, the root parameter of the VirtIO9PDiod device must be exposed on the command line. Please set this root mount to {}, as it will be replaced with the directory used by Workload Automation at runtime.

constraint: "{}" in str(value)

temp_dir : str

Temporary directory used to pass files into the gem5 simulation. Workload Automation will automatically create a directory in this folder, and will remove it again once the simulation completes.

default: '/tmp'

checkpoint : boolean
This parameter tells Workload Automation to create a checkpoint of the simulated system once the guest system has finished booting. This checkpoint can then be used at a later stage by other WA runs to avoid booting the guest system a second time. Set to True to take a checkpoint of the simulated system post boot.
run_delay : integer

This sets the time that the system should sleep in the simulated system prior to running and workloads or taking checkpoints. This allows the system to quieten down prior to running the workloads. When this is combined with the checkpoint_post_boot option, it allows the checkpoint to be created post-sleep, and therefore the set of workloads resuming from this checkpoint will not be required to sleep.

constraint: value >= 0

modules : list
Lists the modules to be loaded by this extension. A module is a plug-in that further extends functionality of an extension.
core_names : list_of_caseless_strings (mandatory)
This is a list of all cpu cores on the device with each element being the core type, e.g. ['a7', 'a7', 'a15']. The order of the cores must match the order they are listed in '/sys/devices/system/cpu'. So in this case, 'cpu0' must be an A7 core, and 'cpu2' an A15.’
core_clusters : list_of_ints (mandatory)
This is a list indicating the cluster affinity of the CPU cores, each element correponding to the cluster ID of the core coresponding to its index. E.g. [0, 0, 1] indicates that cpu0 and cpu1 are on cluster 0, while cpu2 is on cluster 1. If this is not specified, this will be inferred from core_names if possible (assuming all cores with the same name are on the same cluster).
scheduler : str

Specifies the type of multi-core scheduling model utilized in the device. The value must be one of the following:


A generic Device interface is used to interact with the underlying device and the underlying scheduling model is unkown.


A standard single-core or Symmetric Multi-Processing system.


ARM Heterogeneous Multi-Processing system.


Linaro In-Kernel Switcher.


ARM Energy-Aware scheduler.


Any other system not covered by the above.


most currently-available systems would fall under smp rather than this value. other is there to future-proof against new schemes not yet covered by WA.

allowed values: 'unknown', 'smp', 'hmp', 'iks', 'ea', 'other'

default: 'unknown'

iks_switch_frequency : integer
This is the switching frequency, in kilohertz, of IKS devices. This parameter MUST NOT be set for non-IKS device (i.e. scheduler != 'iks'). If left unset for IKS devices, it will default to 800000, i.e. 800MHz.
property_files : list_of_strs

A list of paths to files containing static OS properties. These will be pulled into the __meta directory in output for each run in order to provide information about the platfrom. These paths do not have to exist and will be ignored if the path is not present on a particular device.

default: ['/etc/arch-release', '/etc/debian_version', '/etc/lsb-release', '/proc/config.gz', '/proc/cmdline', '/proc/cpuinfo', '/proc/version', '/proc/zconfig', '/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features', '/sys/kernel/hmp']

binaries_directory : str
Location of executable binaries on this device (must be in PATH).
working_directory : str
Working directory to be used by WA. This must be in a location where the specified user has write permissions. This will default to /home/<username>/wa (or to /root/wa, if username is ‘root’).
host : str (mandatory)

Host name or IP address for the device.

default: 'localhost'

username : str (mandatory)
User name for the account on the device.
password : str
Password for the account on the device (for password-based auth).
keyfile : str
Keyfile to be used for key-based authentication.
port : integer

SSH port number on the device.

default: 22

password_prompt : str

Prompt presented by sudo when requesting the password.

default: '[sudo] password'

use_telnet : boolean
Optionally, telnet may be used instead of ssh, though this is discouraged.
boot_timeout : integer

How long to try to connect to the device after a reboot.

default: 120

login_prompt : list_of_strs

default: ['login:', 'AEL login:', 'username:']

login_password_prompt : list_of_strs

default: ['password:']


A generic Android device interface. Use this if you do not have an interface for your device.

This should allow basic WA functionality on most Android devices using adb over USB. Some additional configuration may be required for some WA extensions (e.g. configuring core_names and core_clusters).


modules : list
Lists the modules to be loaded by this extension. A module is a plug-in that further extends functionality of an extension.
core_names : list_of_caseless_strings (mandatory)
This is a list of all cpu cores on the device with each element being the core type, e.g. ['a7', 'a7', 'a15']. The order of the cores must match the order they are listed in '/sys/devices/system/cpu'. So in this case, 'cpu0' must be an A7 core, and 'cpu2' an A15.’
core_clusters : list_of_ints (mandatory)
This is a list indicating the cluster affinity of the CPU cores, each element correponding to the cluster ID of the core coresponding to its index. E.g. [0, 0, 1] indicates that cpu0 and cpu1 are on cluster 0, while cpu2 is on cluster 1. If this is not specified, this will be inferred from core_names if possible (assuming all cores with the same name are on the same cluster).
scheduler : str

Specifies the type of multi-core scheduling model utilized in the device. The value must be one of the following:


A generic Device interface is used to interact with the underlying device and the underlying scheduling model is unkown.


A standard single-core or Symmetric Multi-Processing system.


ARM Heterogeneous Multi-Processing system.


Linaro In-Kernel Switcher.


ARM Energy-Aware scheduler.


Any other system not covered by the above.


most currently-available systems would fall under smp rather than this value. other is there to future-proof against new schemes not yet covered by WA.

allowed values: 'unknown', 'smp', 'hmp', 'iks', 'ea', 'other'

default: 'unknown'

iks_switch_frequency : integer
This is the switching frequency, in kilohertz, of IKS devices. This parameter MUST NOT be set for non-IKS device (i.e. scheduler != 'iks'). If left unset for IKS devices, it will default to 800000, i.e. 800MHz.
property_files : list_of_strs

A list of paths to files containing static OS properties. These will be pulled into the __meta directory in output for each run in order to provide information about the platfrom. These paths do not have to exist and will be ignored if the path is not present on a particular device.

default: ['/etc/arch-release', '/etc/debian_version', '/etc/lsb-release', '/proc/config.gz', '/proc/cmdline', '/proc/cpuinfo', '/proc/version', '/proc/zconfig', '/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features', '/sys/kernel/hmp']

binaries_directory : str

Location of binaries on the device.

default: '/data/local/tmp/wa-bin'

working_directory : str

Working directory to be used by WA. This must be in a location where the specified user has write permissions. This will default to /home/<username>/wa (or to /root/wa, if username is ‘root’).

default: '/sdcard/wa-working'

adb_name : str
The unique ID of the device as output by “adb devices”.
android_prompt : regex

The format of matching the shell prompt in Android.

default: r'^.*(shell|root)@.*:/\S* [#$] '

package_data_directory : str

Location of of data for an installed package (APK).

default: '/data/data'

external_storage_directory : str

Mount point for external storage.

default: '/sdcard'

connection : str

Specified the nature of adb connection.

allowed values: 'usb', 'ethernet'

default: 'usb'

logcat_poll_period : integer
If specified and is not 0, logcat will be polled every logcat_poll_period seconds, and buffered on the host. This can be used if a lot of output is expected in logcat and the fixed logcat buffer on the device is not big enough. The trade off is that this introduces some minor runtime overhead. Not set by default.
enable_screen_check : boolean
Specified whether the device should make sure that the screen is on during initialization.
swipe_to_unlock : str

If set a swipe of the specified direction will be performed. This should unlock the screen.

allowed values: None, 'horizontal', 'vertical'


A generic Linux device interface. Use this if you do not have an interface for your device.

This should allow basic WA functionality on most Linux devices with SSH access configured. Some additional configuration may be required for some WA extensions (e.g. configuring core_names and core_clusters).


modules : list
Lists the modules to be loaded by this extension. A module is a plug-in that further extends functionality of an extension.
core_names : list_of_caseless_strings (mandatory)
This is a list of all cpu cores on the device with each element being the core type, e.g. ['a7', 'a7', 'a15']. The order of the cores must match the order they are listed in '/sys/devices/system/cpu'. So in this case, 'cpu0' must be an A7 core, and 'cpu2' an A15.’
core_clusters : list_of_ints (mandatory)
This is a list indicating the cluster affinity of the CPU cores, each element correponding to the cluster ID of the core coresponding to its index. E.g. [0, 0, 1] indicates that cpu0 and cpu1 are on cluster 0, while cpu2 is on cluster 1. If this is not specified, this will be inferred from core_names if possible (assuming all cores with the same name are on the same cluster).
scheduler : str

Specifies the type of multi-core scheduling model utilized in the device. The value must be one of the following:


A generic Device interface is used to interact with the underlying device and the underlying scheduling model is unkown.


A standard single-core or Symmetric Multi-Processing system.


ARM Heterogeneous Multi-Processing system.


Linaro In-Kernel Switcher.


ARM Energy-Aware scheduler.


Any other system not covered by the above.


most currently-available systems would fall under smp rather than this value. other is there to future-proof against new schemes not yet covered by WA.

allowed values: 'unknown', 'smp', 'hmp', 'iks', 'ea', 'other'

default: 'unknown'

iks_switch_frequency : integer
This is the switching frequency, in kilohertz, of IKS devices. This parameter MUST NOT be set for non-IKS device (i.e. scheduler != 'iks'). If left unset for IKS devices, it will default to 800000, i.e. 800MHz.
property_files : list_of_strs

A list of paths to files containing static OS properties. These will be pulled into the __meta directory in output for each run in order to provide information about the platfrom. These paths do not have to exist and will be ignored if the path is not present on a particular device.

default: ['/etc/arch-release', '/etc/debian_version', '/etc/lsb-release', '/proc/config.gz', '/proc/cmdline', '/proc/cpuinfo', '/proc/version', '/proc/zconfig', '/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features', '/sys/kernel/hmp']

binaries_directory : str
Location of executable binaries on this device (must be in PATH).
working_directory : str
Working directory to be used by WA. This must be in a location where the specified user has write permissions. This will default to /home/<username>/wa (or to /root/wa, if username is ‘root’).
host : str (mandatory)
Host name or IP address for the device.
username : str (mandatory)
User name for the account on the device.
password : str
Password for the account on the device (for password-based auth).
keyfile : str
Keyfile to be used for key-based authentication.
port : integer

SSH port number on the device.

default: 22

password_prompt : str

Prompt presented by sudo when requesting the password.

default: '[sudo] password'

use_telnet : boolean
Optionally, telnet may be used instead of ssh, though this is discouraged.
boot_timeout : integer

How long to try to connect to the device after a reboot.

default: 120


ARM Juno next generation big.LITTLE development platform.


modules : list
Lists the modules to be loaded by this extension. A module is a plug-in that further extends functionality of an extension.
core_names : list_of_caseless_strings (mandatory)

This is a list of all cpu cores on the device with each element being the core type, e.g. ['a7', 'a7', 'a15']. The order of the cores must match the order they are listed in '/sys/devices/system/cpu'. So in this case, 'cpu0' must be an A7 core, and 'cpu2' an A15.’

default: ['a53', 'a53', 'a53', 'a53', 'a57', 'a57']

core_clusters : list_of_ints (mandatory)

This is a list indicating the cluster affinity of the CPU cores, each element correponding to the cluster ID of the core coresponding to its index. E.g. [0, 0, 1] indicates that cpu0 and cpu1 are on cluster 0, while cpu2 is on cluster 1. If this is not specified, this will be inferred from core_names if possible (assuming all cores with the same name are on the same cluster).

default: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]

scheduler : str

Specifies the type of multi-core scheduling model utilized in the device. The value must be one of the following:


A generic Device interface is used to interact with the underlying device and the underlying scheduling model is unkown.


A standard single-core or Symmetric Multi-Processing system.


ARM Heterogeneous Multi-Processing system.


Linaro In-Kernel Switcher.


ARM Energy-Aware scheduler.


Any other system not covered by the above.


most currently-available systems would fall under smp rather than this value. other is there to future-proof against new schemes not yet covered by WA.

allowed values: 'unknown', 'smp', 'hmp', 'iks', 'ea', 'other'

default: 'hmp'

iks_switch_frequency : integer
This is the switching frequency, in kilohertz, of IKS devices. This parameter MUST NOT be set for non-IKS device (i.e. scheduler != 'iks'). If left unset for IKS devices, it will default to 800000, i.e. 800MHz.
property_files : list_of_strs

A list of paths to files containing static OS properties. These will be pulled into the __meta directory in output for each run in order to provide information about the platfrom. These paths do not have to exist and will be ignored if the path is not present on a particular device.

default: ['/etc/arch-release', '/etc/debian_version', '/etc/lsb-release', '/proc/config.gz', '/proc/cmdline', '/proc/cpuinfo', '/proc/version', '/proc/zconfig', '/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features', '/sys/kernel/hmp']

binaries_directory : str

Location of binaries on the device.

default: '/data/local/tmp/wa-bin'

working_directory : str

Working directory to be used by WA. This must be in a location where the specified user has write permissions. This will default to /home/<username>/wa (or to /root/wa, if username is ‘root’).

default: '/sdcard/wa-working'

adb_name : str
The unique ID of the device as output by “adb devices”.
android_prompt : regex

The format of matching the shell prompt in Android.

default: r'^.*(shell|root)@.*:/\S* [#$] '

package_data_directory : str

Location of of data for an installed package (APK).

default: '/data/data'

external_storage_directory : str

Mount point for external storage.

default: '/sdcard'

connection : str

Specified the nature of adb connection.

allowed values: 'usb', 'ethernet'

default: 'usb'

logcat_poll_period : integer
If specified and is not 0, logcat will be polled every logcat_poll_period seconds, and buffered on the host. This can be used if a lot of output is expected in logcat and the fixed logcat buffer on the device is not big enough. The trade off is that this introduces some minor runtime overhead. Not set by default.
enable_screen_check : boolean
Specified whether the device should make sure that the screen is on during initialization.
swipe_to_unlock : str

If set a swipe of the specified direction will be performed. This should unlock the screen.

allowed values: None, 'horizontal', 'vertical'

retries : integer

Specifies the number of times the device will attempt to recover (normally, with a hard reset) if it detects that something went wrong.

default: 2

microsd_mount_point : str

Location at which the device’s MicroSD card will be mounted.

default: '/media/JUNO'

port : str

Serial port on which the device is connected.

default: '/dev/ttyS0'

baudrate : integer

Serial connection baud.

default: 115200

timeout : integer

Serial connection timeout.

default: 300

bootloader : str

Bootloader used on the device.

allowed values: 'uefi', 'u-boot'

default: 'uefi'

actually_disconnect : boolean
Actually perfom “adb disconnect” on closing the connection to the device.
uefi_entry : str

The name of the entry to use (will be created if does not exist).

default: 'WA'

uefi_config : UefiConfig

Specifies the configuration for the UEFI entry for his device. In an entry specified by uefi_entry parameter doesn’t exist in UEFI menu, it will be created using this config. This configuration will also be used, when flashing new images.

default: {'fdt_support': True, 'image_name': 'Image', 'image_args': None}

bootargs : str
Default boot arguments to use when boot_arguments were not.



modules : list
Lists the modules to be loaded by this extension. A module is a plug-in that further extends functionality of an extension.
core_names : list_of_caseless_strings (mandatory)
This is a list of all cpu cores on the device with each element being the core type, e.g. ['a7', 'a7', 'a15']. The order of the cores must match the order they are listed in '/sys/devices/system/cpu'. So in this case, 'cpu0' must be an A7 core, and 'cpu2' an A15.’
core_clusters : list_of_ints (mandatory)
This is a list indicating the cluster affinity of the CPU cores, each element correponding to the cluster ID of the core coresponding to its index. E.g. [0, 0, 1] indicates that cpu0 and cpu1 are on cluster 0, while cpu2 is on cluster 1. If this is not specified, this will be inferred from core_names if possible (assuming all cores with the same name are on the same cluster).
scheduler : str

Specifies the type of multi-core scheduling model utilized in the device. The value must be one of the following:


A generic Device interface is used to interact with the underlying device and the underlying scheduling model is unkown.


A standard single-core or Symmetric Multi-Processing system.


ARM Heterogeneous Multi-Processing system.


Linaro In-Kernel Switcher.


ARM Energy-Aware scheduler.


Any other system not covered by the above.


most currently-available systems would fall under smp rather than this value. other is there to future-proof against new schemes not yet covered by WA.

allowed values: 'unknown', 'smp', 'hmp', 'iks', 'ea', 'other'

default: 'unknown'

iks_switch_frequency : integer
This is the switching frequency, in kilohertz, of IKS devices. This parameter MUST NOT be set for non-IKS device (i.e. scheduler != 'iks'). If left unset for IKS devices, it will default to 800000, i.e. 800MHz.
property_files : list_of_strs

A list of paths to files containing static OS properties. These will be pulled into the __meta directory in output for each run in order to provide information about the platfrom. These paths do not have to exist and will be ignored if the path is not present on a particular device.

default: ['/etc/arch-release', '/etc/debian_version', '/etc/lsb-release', '/proc/config.gz', '/proc/cmdline', '/proc/cpuinfo', '/proc/version', '/proc/zconfig', '/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features', '/sys/kernel/hmp']

binaries_directory : str

Location of binaries on the device.

default: '/data/local/tmp/wa-bin'

working_directory : str

Working directory to be used by WA. This must be in a location where the specified user has write permissions. This will default to /home/<username>/wa (or to /root/wa, if username is ‘root’).

default: '/sdcard/wa-working'

adb_name : str
The unique ID of the device as output by “adb devices”.
android_prompt : regex

The format of matching the shell prompt in Android.

default: r'^.*(shell|root)@.*:/\S* [#$] '

package_data_directory : str

Location of of data for an installed package (APK).

default: '/data/data'

external_storage_directory : str

Mount point for external storage.

default: '/sdcard'

connection : str

Specified the nature of adb connection.

allowed values: 'usb', 'ethernet'

default: 'usb'

logcat_poll_period : integer
If specified and is not 0, logcat will be polled every logcat_poll_period seconds, and buffered on the host. This can be used if a lot of output is expected in logcat and the fixed logcat buffer on the device is not big enough. The trade off is that this introduces some minor runtime overhead. Not set by default.
enable_screen_check : boolean
Specified whether the device should make sure that the screen is on during initialization.
swipe_to_unlock : str

If set a swipe of the specified direction will be performed. This should unlock the screen.

allowed values: None, 'horizontal', 'vertical'


HardKernel Odroid XU3 development board.


modules : list
Lists the modules to be loaded by this extension. A module is a plug-in that further extends functionality of an extension.
core_names : list_of_caseless_strings (mandatory)

This is a list of all cpu cores on the device with each element being the core type, e.g. ['a7', 'a7', 'a15']. The order of the cores must match the order they are listed in '/sys/devices/system/cpu'. So in this case, 'cpu0' must be an A7 core, and 'cpu2' an A15.’

default: ['a7', 'a7', 'a7', 'a7', 'a15', 'a15', 'a15', 'a15']

core_clusters : list_of_ints (mandatory)

This is a list indicating the cluster affinity of the CPU cores, each element correponding to the cluster ID of the core coresponding to its index. E.g. [0, 0, 1] indicates that cpu0 and cpu1 are on cluster 0, while cpu2 is on cluster 1. If this is not specified, this will be inferred from core_names if possible (assuming all cores with the same name are on the same cluster).

default: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]

scheduler : str

Specifies the type of multi-core scheduling model utilized in the device. The value must be one of the following:


A generic Device interface is used to interact with the underlying device and the underlying scheduling model is unkown.


A standard single-core or Symmetric Multi-Processing system.


ARM Heterogeneous Multi-Processing system.


Linaro In-Kernel Switcher.


ARM Energy-Aware scheduler.


Any other system not covered by the above.


most currently-available systems would fall under smp rather than this value. other is there to future-proof against new schemes not yet covered by WA.

allowed values: 'unknown', 'smp', 'hmp', 'iks', 'ea', 'other'

default: 'unknown'

iks_switch_frequency : integer
This is the switching frequency, in kilohertz, of IKS devices. This parameter MUST NOT be set for non-IKS device (i.e. scheduler != 'iks'). If left unset for IKS devices, it will default to 800000, i.e. 800MHz.
property_files : list_of_strs

A list of paths to files containing static OS properties. These will be pulled into the __meta directory in output for each run in order to provide information about the platfrom. These paths do not have to exist and will be ignored if the path is not present on a particular device.

default: ['/etc/arch-release', '/etc/debian_version', '/etc/lsb-release', '/proc/config.gz', '/proc/cmdline', '/proc/cpuinfo', '/proc/version', '/proc/zconfig', '/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features', '/sys/kernel/hmp']

binaries_directory : str

Location of binaries on the device.

default: '/data/local/tmp/wa-bin'

working_directory : str

Working directory to be used by WA. This must be in a location where the specified user has write permissions. This will default to /home/<username>/wa (or to /root/wa, if username is ‘root’).

default: '/data/local/wa-working'

adb_name : str

The unique ID of the device as output by “adb devices”.


android_prompt : regex

The format of matching the shell prompt in Android.

default: r'^.*(shell|root)@.*:/\S* [#$] '

package_data_directory : str

Location of of data for an installed package (APK).

default: '/data/data'

external_storage_directory : str

Mount point for external storage.

default: '/sdcard'

connection : str

Specified the nature of adb connection.

allowed values: 'usb', 'ethernet'

default: 'usb'

logcat_poll_period : integer
If specified and is not 0, logcat will be polled every logcat_poll_period seconds, and buffered on the host. This can be used if a lot of output is expected in logcat and the fixed logcat buffer on the device is not big enough. The trade off is that this introduces some minor runtime overhead. Not set by default.
enable_screen_check : boolean
Specified whether the device should make sure that the screen is on during initialization.
swipe_to_unlock : str

If set a swipe of the specified direction will be performed. This should unlock the screen.

allowed values: None, 'horizontal', 'vertical'

port : str

Serial port on which the device is connected

default: '/dev/ttyUSB0'

baudrate : integer

Serial connection baud rate

default: 115200


HardKernel Odroid XU3 development board (Ubuntu image).


modules : list
Lists the modules to be loaded by this extension. A module is a plug-in that further extends functionality of an extension.
core_names : list_of_caseless_strings (mandatory)

This is a list of all cpu cores on the device with each element being the core type, e.g. ['a7', 'a7', 'a15']. The order of the cores must match the order they are listed in '/sys/devices/system/cpu'. So in this case, 'cpu0' must be an A7 core, and 'cpu2' an A15.’

default: ['a7', 'a7', 'a7', 'a7', 'a15', 'a15', 'a15', 'a15']

core_clusters : list_of_ints (mandatory)

This is a list indicating the cluster affinity of the CPU cores, each element correponding to the cluster ID of the core coresponding to its index. E.g. [0, 0, 1] indicates that cpu0 and cpu1 are on cluster 0, while cpu2 is on cluster 1. If this is not specified, this will be inferred from core_names if possible (assuming all cores with the same name are on the same cluster).

default: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]

scheduler : str

Specifies the type of multi-core scheduling model utilized in the device. The value must be one of the following:


A generic Device interface is used to interact with the underlying device and the underlying scheduling model is unkown.


A standard single-core or Symmetric Multi-Processing system.


ARM Heterogeneous Multi-Processing system.


Linaro In-Kernel Switcher.


ARM Energy-Aware scheduler.


Any other system not covered by the above.


most currently-available systems would fall under smp rather than this value. other is there to future-proof against new schemes not yet covered by WA.

allowed values: 'unknown', 'smp', 'hmp', 'iks', 'ea', 'other'

default: 'unknown'

iks_switch_frequency : integer
This is the switching frequency, in kilohertz, of IKS devices. This parameter MUST NOT be set for non-IKS device (i.e. scheduler != 'iks'). If left unset for IKS devices, it will default to 800000, i.e. 800MHz.
property_files : list_of_strs

A list of paths to files containing static OS properties. These will be pulled into the __meta directory in output for each run in order to provide information about the platfrom. These paths do not have to exist and will be ignored if the path is not present on a particular device.

default: ['/etc/arch-release', '/etc/debian_version', '/etc/lsb-release', '/proc/config.gz', '/proc/cmdline', '/proc/cpuinfo', '/proc/version', '/proc/zconfig', '/sys/kernel/debug/sched_features', '/sys/kernel/hmp']

binaries_directory : str
Location of executable binaries on this device (must be in PATH).
working_directory : str
Working directory to be used by WA. This must be in a location where the specified user has write permissions. This will default to /home/<username>/wa (or to /root/wa, if username is ‘root’).
host : str (mandatory)
Host name or IP address for the device.
username : str (mandatory)
User name for the account on the device.
password : str
Password for the account on the device (for password-based auth).
keyfile : str
Keyfile to be used for key-based authentication.
port : integer

SSH port number on the device.

default: 22

password_prompt : str

Prompt presented by sudo when requesting the password.

default: '[sudo] password'

use_telnet : boolean
Optionally, telnet may be used instead of ssh, though this is discouraged.
boot_timeout : integer

How long to try to connect to the device after a reboot.

default: 120