Source code for wlauto.instrumentation.hwmon

#    Copyright 2013-2015 ARM Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# pylint: disable=W0613,E1101
from __future__ import division
from collections import OrderedDict

from wlauto import Parameter, Instrument
from wlauto.exceptions import InstrumentError, ConfigError
from wlauto.utils.hwmon import discover_sensors
from wlauto.utils.types import list_of_strs

# sensor_kind: (report_type, units, conversion)
    'energy': ('diff', 'Joules', lambda x: x / 10 ** 6),
    'temp': ('before/after', 'Celsius', lambda x: x / 10 ** 3),

HWMON_SENSOR_PRIORITIES = ['energy', 'temp']

[docs]class HwmonInstrument(Instrument): name = 'hwmon' description = """ Hardware Monitor (hwmon) is a generic Linux kernel subsystem, providing access to hardware monitoring components like temperature or voltage/current sensors. The following web page has more information: You can specify which sensors HwmonInstrument looks for by specifying hwmon_sensors in your, e.g. :: hwmon_sensors = ['energy', 'temp'] If this setting is not specified, it will look for all sensors it knows about. Current valid values are:: :energy: Collect energy measurements and report energy consumed during run execution (the diff of before and after readings) in Joules. :temp: Collect temperature measurements and report the before and after readings in degrees Celsius. """ parameters = [ Parameter('sensors', kind=list_of_strs, default=['energy', 'temp'], global_alias='hwmon_sensors', allowed_values=HWMON_SENSORS.keys(), description='The kinds of sensors hwmon instrument will look for') ] def __init__(self, device, **kwargs): super(HwmonInstrument, self).__init__(device, **kwargs) if self.sensors: self.sensor_kinds = {} for kind in self.sensors: self.sensor_kinds[kind] = HWMON_SENSORS[kind] else: self.sensor_kinds = HWMON_SENSORS self.sensors = [] def initialize(self, context): self.sensors = [] self.logger.debug('Searching for HWMON sensors.') discovered_sensors = discover_sensors(self.device, self.sensor_kinds.keys()) for sensor in sorted(discovered_sensors, key=lambda s: HWMON_SENSOR_PRIORITIES.index(s.kind)): self.logger.debug('Adding {}'.format(sensor.filepath)) self.sensors.append(sensor)
[docs] def setup(self, context): for sensor in self.sensors: sensor.clear_readings()
[docs] def fast_start(self, context): for sensor in reversed(self.sensors): sensor.take_reading()
[docs] def fast_stop(self, context): for sensor in self.sensors: sensor.take_reading()
[docs] def update_result(self, context): for sensor in self.sensors: try: report_type, units, conversion = HWMON_SENSORS[sensor.kind] if report_type == 'diff': before, after = sensor.readings diff = conversion(after - before) context.result.add_metric(sensor.label, diff, units, classifiers={"hwmon_device": sensor.device_name}) elif report_type == 'before/after': before, after = sensor.readings mean = conversion((after + before) / 2) context.result.add_metric(sensor.label, mean, units, classifiers={"hwmon_device": sensor.device_name}) context.result.add_metric(sensor.label + ' before', conversion(before), units, classifiers={"hwmon_device": sensor.device_name}) context.result.add_metric(sensor.label + ' after', conversion(after), units, classifiers={"hwmon_device": sensor.device_name}) else: raise InstrumentError('Unexpected report_type: {}'.format(report_type)) except ValueError, e: self.logger.error('Could not collect all {} readings for {}'.format(sensor.kind, sensor.label)) self.logger.error('Got: {}'.format(e))